Ride with GPS

There might be times when maybe your Garmin has thrown a wobble! or it’s just run out of juice! Either way you could be on your own or riding with people who don’t have a garmin or chances are theirs has also died. It is essential to have a backup plan.

Download the Ride with GPS phone app. Find the routes and then download them for ‘Offline’. That last bit is crucial. Large parts of the Lap are without mobile phone signal. You might have signal but the support crew might not. Then the support crew might have it and you don't and even if you do have signal chances are it’s not a 4G data signal. With the RWGPS app stored on your phone and the routes downloaded to ‘Offline’ your phone only needs power and to be in sight of the sky. It has all the map information downloaded and stored and then simply uses gps satellites to know where it is. The free version of the app won’t give you turn by turn navigation but it will show you your position and the lap route. It’s enough to keep you on track and get you out of a fix.

All of the above has happened. It could happen to you. Be prepared.


What to Pack!