What to Pack!
This might be your first multi-day event and if so you’re probably slightly apprehensive about what to pack! Well don’t be because we have you covered with this handy list:
Cycling Jerseys. You’ll get given your lap jersey to wear on day 1 & 4. You could just bring a spare in case of rain or you might want wear other jerseys for days 2&3. They air out pretty quick if you hang them up in your hotel room.
Bib Shorts. You could survive on two if we don’t get any wet days but really you want three or four.
Cycling Socks. One pair for each day and one spare.
Suncream. Apply before the start of each day unless it’s raining. Carry a small one on the bike to reapply throughout the day if it’s hot.
Raincoat. Check the weather each morning and carry this if there’s a chance of rain. Handy to pop on at a stop to keep warm.
Flip flops. Personal choice but each evening I wear flip flops to give my feet some air. They’re also super small to pack.
T-shirts. One for each hotel.
Shorts. One pair to last the three nights. Unless you’re a messy eater. Again super small to pack into a case.
Lap hoodie.
Underwear. One pair for each hotel.
Toothbrush and toothpaste (hotel can provide if you forget)
Mobile phone/garmin charger.
I know the video shows a roller case but the best option is a backpack. You can throw it on and still have both hands free to help get your bike up to your room.
The hotels provide shower gel, soap, towels and hair dryers so there’s really no need to bring anything else. And we can’t afford the space for you to bring much else!
SIZE Matters! You can fit all you need into a small case or backpack, airline cabin bag size is way more than you need. We have a small van and, just like with budget airlines, if your bag is overweight or over size then it could be rejected! Watch the video….you don’t need to bring more than is shown there.